Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Moving Day

So, we've finally moved into our apartment. It was all pretty easy - pop down the real estate agents and sign the forms, then get the keys and return to work leaving the wife to sort out moving the furniture in!

She did a sterling job too!

Seriously, apart from the tiring job of moving furniture into the flat, it was fairly painless. However, getting the furniture to the flat was far from it. My wife, an Australian, left many of her possessions in storage when she came over to the UK about eight years ago.

She went down to Melbourne over the weekend to arrange for them to be brought up to Sydney to arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday. Despite promises of an early afternoon pickup, the removal guys didn't turn up until early evening and my wife had to re-arrange her flight back to Sydney. Even so, they were still packing the van when she left them and had no idea when she might see her possessions again.

Happily, they arrived pretty much on time and she spent a day unpacking boxes to discover things she had forgotten about and packing stuff in cupboards after cleaning eight years of grime from them. Last night, the place was beginning to look a little more like a home than a storage depot.

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